⛓️On-chain AML & KYC (Gaara)

On-chain AML & KYC solution with off-chain AI monitoring agents for real-time detection and reporting of fraudulent accounts to the blockchain.

  • Our system integrates real-time AML & KYC on-chain. This is to ensure that the P2P meets the regulatory needs of the fiat system.

  • Blockchain accounts involved in hacks could try to sell their stolen funds on the P2P platform.

  • It is therefore necessary to have blacklist checks in place to ensure fraudulent accounts are not able to use the smart contract.

  • This is made possible with off-chain monitoring agents. Agents could be AI and or individual organizations dedicated to ensuring the purity of the platform.

System Architecture for AML & KYC

  • The image depicts how the P2P system interacts with the On-chain AML & KYC system.

  • It also shows how off-chain agents update the on-chain AML & KYC contracts.

  • There are three main smart contract components depicted.

  1. P2P Contract

  2. AML Blacklisting Contract

  3. KYC Whitelisting Contract

  • Each of these has specific off-chain agents that interact with them.

  1. zkPass Attestation Agent for sending KYC confirmations to the KYC smart contract.

  2. AML monitoring agents for detecting fraudulent accounts and blacklisting them on the AML contract.

  3. Merchants, Traders, and Settlers who use the P2P contract for their transactions.

Last updated